sabato 31 ottobre 2015

Yo la tengo

@Auditorium Parco della Musica - Roma

ASCOLTA: “Automatic Doom” (Special Pillow cover):
ASCOLTA: “Deeper Into Movies” (re-recorded track from I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One):
Freschi di celebrazione del loro trentesimo anniversario come una delle band più amate e influenti dell'indie rock, Yo La Tengo annunciano l'uscita di Stuff Like That There il 28 agosto via Matador Records e le tappe del loro tour mondiale che partirà il 23 settembre da NY!
Il trio composto da sempre da Ira Kaplan, Georgia Hubley James McNew torna adesso come un quartetto dopo il ricongiungimento con il membro originale Dave Schramm alla chitarra elettrica in occasione delle date per celebrare i 25 anni dell'album Fakebook. Questa formazione che vede Ira alla chitarra acustica, Georgia in prima fila con una batteria ridotta all'essenziale, James al basso e Dave alla chitarra elettrica non si riuniva da 30 anni e non è escluso che ce ne vorranno altrettanti per rivederli insieme!
 Il nuovo lavoro contiene versioni ri-registrate di brani del passato di YLT così come cover dei Cure, Hank Williams, the Parliaments, Sun Ra, the Lovin' Spoonful, Darlene McCrea, e altri. 
 Stuff Like That There  è una sorta di sequel di Fakebook, il loro bellissimo lavoro del 1990 che conteneva cover e ri-regiostrazioni di brani contenuti in album precedenti.
Scovare tesori nascosti nella cantina dell'indie è il passatempo preferito di Yo La Tengo. Dal rock al pop degli anni 60 passando per il country, il folk, il grunge, il punk per finire al soul. Sono gliYo La Tengo, alfieri e innovatori del rock che da oltre 30 anni esplorano tutte le possibili direzioni musicali riuscendo sempre a rimanere se stessi, incarnando perfettamente l'emblema dell'alternative rock americano.
Bio ufficiale di Stuff Like That There scritta da Kurt Wagner dei Lambchop:
Time has an unfunny way of moving pretty fast as we move with it. As artists we benefit from the accumulation of experience. A professor once told me “most artists only have maybe two or three ideas through the course of their lives. Try as they might they are doomed to repeat and refine those ideas. Sometimes they turn out to be good ideas.” That guy was full of beans but the notion of it gives me pause from time to time. What if he's right? 
Stuff Like That There may well be a 25th anniversary sequel to the idea of Fakebook but to my ears it makes a case for simply returning to what moved Yo La Tengo to make things in the first place:  embracing the people who they still hold close and making a spirited noise about it.
Does it not sound like fun to work with old friends like guitarist Dave Schramm and engineer Gene Holder? It also seems like a good way to try something “McNew,” like James McNew on upright bass, an elemental contribution whose significance cannot be overstated. With Fakebook as template, Stuff Like That There is a record with ties to the past which contribute to the sound they make furthered by an affinity for the sounds they love. Somehow they compose the already composed by return. It's clear-eyed. It's clever and concealed.
Rare is the band that can cover themselves. Rarer is the band that would even think of it and rarer still is a band that would return to the conception and re-imagine its first breakthrough record. Someone may have read recently that old quote about how “in not knowing history one is doomed to repeat it.” There's not another band that I know that is less doomed than Yo La Tengo.
I thought it would be a good idea to listen to this record while writing the bio for it. It's not. It is distracting. I drift away from the virtual page and fall deep into the virtual sound. Suddenly all sounds are amplified all around me, my dogs are barking and I'm in love all over again. “All Your Secrets” is playing and I hallucinate that the intro is from one of my old songs. I searched “Automatic Doom” to see what “cover” it was and it appears to be a song by either @mistersparrow or Special Pillow. My money is on the pillow though both are in the same key. 
“Awhileaway” has got to be an original, I wrote one recently with the same title. Lucky for me I abandoned it. “I Can Feel The Ice Melting” turns out to be a Parliaments song. And “Naples” seems pretty dang original to me and it was originally by Antietam. “Somebody's in Love” is a Sun Ra song. Darlene McCrea's “My Heart's Not In It” kicks things off and The Lovin' Spoonful gets a nod with “Butchie's Tune” (I still wonder who Butchie was). For me, my favorite track on the record is “Before We Stop To Think,” a cover of the great Great Plains. In a way it is the one that sums up their approach at its best. 
One thing I've noticed is that once you learn who these songs are by originally it some how makes you seem much smarter when you can reveal its origin to another listener. Imagine yourself saying, “yes, it's a great song and it's by Great Plains!” It makes you the wiser. Yo La Tengo choose sources that make you enriched if not empowered. There's a word I swore I'd never use. 
Power up, people, this is stuff like that there. 
Cordially, Kurt Wagner


Concerti viale pietro de coubertin 21:00


Uomo 20,00 € 
+ d.p.
Donna 20,00 € 
+ d.p.

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